12 May 2010

Yay Glassell

I signed up for Drawing Fundamentals & 2D Design @ the Glassell... !!!!!  yay art, yay artist.  step 1 complete.
                   ...classes start June 7th.   4 weeks away.

I've also signed up for the criticism class at El Rincon Social... !!!!!  yay julia/tessa/patrick!

                    ...and THAT starts on the 8th.

I'm excited to FINALLY start moving forward with my art into a public sphere.  I've been drawing and painting off and on since I started college (ten years ago!), and it'll be nice to get some peer review AND physical classes.  I haven't been in a classroom environment for art in... seven years?  I just can't seem to stay motivated unless I have a big pressure... a deadline... so, yay school.  yay pressure.

the two classes cost 840$...
the crit class cost 100$...
(we'll see which one pays off more)

One of the ulterior motives of taking these courses, is to get into the Glassell's CORE artist residency program.  But I need to take the paintings classes... to evolve as an artist and painter and stuff... duh.

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